Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Mac OS X 10.6 Help: Calibrating a portable computer battery http://ht.ly/56Ux0
just downloaded two Iron Maiden tracks for free from Iron Maiden's Official Website http://ht.ly/56rCJ

Monday, 30 May 2011

* Free guitar lessons : Complete Beginners Method and loads of Blues, Jazz and rock : Learn how to play Guitar free here! http://ht.ly/55ODg

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Free guitar lessons : Complete Beginners Method and loads of Blues, Jazz and rock : Learn how to play Guitar free here! http://ht.ly/53nzG
"Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right." ~ H L Mencken Quote

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Building An Effective 'Coming Soon' Page For Your Product - Smashing Magazine http://ht.ly/52sVa

Monday, 23 May 2011

Sunday, 22 May 2011

How Your Worst Enemy Can Become the Key to Your Blogging Authority | Copyblogger http://ht.ly/50aWG
5 Tips To Separate Personal And Professional Life Online | Fast Company http://ht.ly/50aDS
Web Anonymizers And The Arab Spring | Fast Company http://ht.ly/50aq1
hmmm... BBC News - 'Rapture': Believers perplexed after prediction fails http://ht.ly/508zh
Sorry but you’re all complete nutters! - 41% of Americans believe the Rapture will occur by 2050 [chart] - Holy Kaw! http://ht.ly/504WR

Saturday, 21 May 2011

5 Ways to Write High-Quality Content %u2013 Fast | Copyblogger http://ht.ly/4ZSBn

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Just How Dangerous Is Sitting All Day? [INFOGRAPHIC] http://ht.ly/4QXPX
BBC News - Microsoft confirms takeover of Skype http://ht.ly/4Rdt6
Lennon's Beatles Strawberry Fields gates removed http://ht.ly/4RdnR
In a World Without Tracking & Cookies, Can Online Commerce Succeed? http://ht.ly/4QXGP
Steve Jobs Destroys Einstein, Tesla and Newton On List Of Engineering Heroes | Cult of Mac http://ht.ly/4QXke
Queen Elizabeth II Is Not Amused By Android, Buys An iPad 2 | Cult of Mac http://ht.ly/4QXij

Monday, 9 May 2011

Apple Now World's Most Valuable Brand [STUDY] http://ht.ly/4QeVE
Apple Negotiating Deal With Nuance for Speech Recognition in iOS 5? - Mac Rumors http://ht.ly/4QeAG
Can You Give Away Too Much Content? | Copyblogger http://ht.ly/4QenB
Can You Give Away Too Much Content? | Copyblogger http://ht.ly/4QenB
May 9, 1941: German Sub Caught With the Goods | This Day In Tech | Wired.com http://ht.ly/4QefZ
Stop the EU ban on herbalmeds! Sign the @Avaaz petition now: http://t.co/DiiMQA0

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Dreams Of Macs With All-Day Batteries May Come True, If Apple Ditches Intel For ARM | Fast Company http://ht.ly/4PDw5
The 5 Forgotten Keys to Extraordinary Blogging Success http://ht.ly/4PDv8
Four Simple Ways to Find Customers http://ht.ly/4PDtx
Using CSS3: Older Browsers And Common Considerations - Smashing Magazine http://ht.ly/4PDrV

Friday, 6 May 2011

Apple to Move from Intel to ARM Processors in Future Laptops? - Mac Rumors http://ht.ly/4Oxec
3 Simple Changes to Increase Your Subscribers by 50%s
Cluster of Craters Caught on Mars | Wired Science | Wired.com http://ht.ly/4Ox0O
How Twitter Makes You A Better Writer | Copyblogger http://ht.ly/4OwXr

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Tuesday, 3 May 2011